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Our courses include Chinese, Japanese, English Languages etc.
Classes are real-time blended with teaching and learning
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Meet global leaders in their respective fields.
Gain a highly competitive advantage. This always set you apart when pursuing new business
We provide high-quality education that facilitates great learning experience for all students.
The web is a crucial part of our everyday lives. We rely on websites not just for entertainment and social networking, but for our professions, our finances, our education, and even aspects of our health care. The technologies that run these services are intricate and varied, but there are frameworks and principles that use common languages like HTML and Python that can give you a jump start in building your own web apps.
MicroMasters programs are designed to offer learners a pathway to an advanced degree and can count as credit toward completing a Master’s degree program. Learners who successfully earn this MicroMasters program certificate may apply for admission to a Master’s program, and if accepted, the MicroMasters program certificate will count towards the degree.
When asked, many people cite public speaking as one of their biggest fears. In fact, many renowned public speakers admit that they were once extremely anxious about speaking in front of groups.
Good public speaking is more than a performance. It is the result of:
Want to learn about circuits and electronics? Wondering how the electronics behind sensors and actuators works, or how to make computers run faster, or your mobile phone battery last longer? This series of circuits and electronics courses taught by edX CEO and MIT Professor Anant Agarwal and colleagues is for you.
These online Circuits & Electronics courses are taken by all MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) majors.
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